เพื่อน | ความรัก | กฎหมาย | ธรรมชาติ | เวลาและโอกาส |
๏๏ กฎหมาย ๏๏ ------ Laws were made to be broken. Law makers should not be law breakers. The more laws,the mors offenders. Ignorance of the law excuse no one. Necessity knows no law. In a thousand pounds of law, theres notan ounce of love. Ignorance of law is on excuse. The law sleeps sometimes,but never dies. Laws grinds the poor, and rich men rule the law. Where laws end, tyranny begins. The exception proves the rule. A good lawyer is a bad neighbour. Few lawyer die well, few physicians live well. One law is for the rich and another for the poor. There is no general rule without exception. กลับด้านบน |